




第4回HiSEP特別セミナーは、理学部協定校である、ドイツ?イエナ フリードリッヒ-シラー大学から研究者をお招きしセミナーをお願いしました。生命の起源をテーマとした科学的な内容とともに、欧州圏での大学生のグローバル活動についても取り上げていただく予定です。広く理工系?他学部の学生の皆さんの参加も歓迎しますのでふるってご参加ください。



講師:Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weigand,  Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena

タイトル: 『How did life on Earth begin?』

概要: In this presentation I would like to give an introduction to the following topics: What are general criteria for demarcating living matter from non-living matter? That question is important for understanding the origin and evolution of life on Earth. There is currently no consensus on what would constitute sufficient and necessary criteria for establishing that a system is living. It is clear that various properties are important, specifically material and physical requirements, requirements with respect to heredity and information, and requirements with respect to system integrity and autonomy. We will evaluate primordial bioinorganic reactions empirically by chemical experiments with the perceived geochemical scenario determining the parameters and we will discuss these primordial reaction on the basis of the “iron-sulfur world” after Günter Wächtershäuser.

