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  • 場面に応じた適切なマスクの着脱について Appropriate wearing and removal of masks depending on the situation

場面に応じた適切なマスクの着脱について Appropriate wearing and removal of masks depending on the situation


学 生
教職員 各位

木 﨑 一 美



以 上


October 19, 2022

For Students and Staffs
To whom it may concern

Kazumi Kizaki
Vice-President (University Reform and Risk Management)
Saitama University

Appropriate wearing and removal of masks depending on the situation

 Regarding the appropriate wearing and removal of masks according to the situation, the Office for COVID-19 and Other Emerging Infectious Disease Control, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare issued an administrative communication titled "Leaflet on the Wearing of Masks (Request for Further Information)" on October 14, 2022 and the Office for COVID-19 and Other Emerging Infectious Disease Control, Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Japan, issued an administrative communication titled "Leaflet on the Wearing of Masks (Request for Further Dissemination) on October 17, 2022. Furthermore, on October 17, 2022, a new leaflet (attached) was prepared by the Support Division of National University Corporation, Higher Education Bureau, MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) on the appropriate wearing and removal of masks depending on the situation, and we were requested to spread the leaflet well and follow it. However, the concept of wearing masks as a basic infection control measure shall remain unchanged.

 Saitama University’s policy for dealing with COVID-19 has been kept at Risk Level 2 and the University's handling of the Risk Level 2 is unchanged. Please refer again to the University's COVID-19 manual for the appropriate wearing and removal of masks in the situation.
 But this case shall not force the student and the staff to put on and take off the mask against his/her will.

Click for PDF.
