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  • ウクライナ V. G. コロレンコ廷ポルタワ忽羨縮圄寄僥と僥g住送f協Y "Agreement with Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (PNPU), Ukraine, Signed"

ウクライナ V. G. コロレンコ廷ポルタワ忽羨縮圄寄僥と僥g住送f協Y "quot;Agreement with Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (PNPU), Ukraine, Signed"


林餞麪Г蓮V. G. コロレンコ廷ポルタワ忽羨縮圄寄僥(ウクライナ)と僥伏住送を根む僥g住送f協をYしました。揖寄僥は、ポルタワ僥丕を念附とする、1914定にOされたウクライナで恷も硬い互吉縮圄Cvの匯つであり、嶄垤羨寄僥として、縮圄?冩梢とも忽坪で互いuをうけています。縮TB撹で協uのある寄僥ですが、F壓は7つの僥何、36の僥親からなるt栽寄僥となっています。

魘匹繋曚箸覆辰娠粧Т麪г哉卜追膸畤苫а仂真討厘慰俤M縮娩と2012定から慌揖冩梢をAけているオリガ?ニコレンコ縮娩のf薦を誼て、2020定業にオンライン僥伏セミナ`を_岸するなど、云僥とV. G. コロレンコ廷ポルタワ忽羨縮圄寄僥で醤悶議な住送がMんでいます。書指の僥g住送f協Yを弐Cに、揖寄僥との冩梢住送?僥伏住送が畠僥議にますます試kになることが豚棋されます。

The University Agreement between Saitama University (SU) and Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (PNPU), Ukraine has been concluded. Although anyone of SU couldn’t participate due to the current situation with COVID-19, the signing ceremony was hold at PNPU.

PNPU is one of the oldest universities in Ukraine and its history goes back to the Poltava Teachers Institute, founded in 1914. It consists of 36 departments and 7 schools. It is highly appreciated for teaching and research within the country and has a reputation for fostering of teachers specially.

Some concrete collaborative activities have been taken place between both universities. Prof. Susumu Nonaka of Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences has carried out joint research with Prof. Olga Nikolenko from 2012 and held the co-hosted online seminar in 2020. It is expected that the conclusion of this agreement will enable the entire universities to further promote academic and student exchanges.

f協に俸兆するV. G. コロレンコ廷ポルタワ忽羨縮圄寄僥ロマン?シタルチュク険僥L
Vice-President Roman Sitarchuk of PNPU signing the Agreement

scenes of the signing ceremony at PNPU
