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  • 2015年度ニュース一覧
  • JICA国別研修「ブルキナファソ研修団」が学長を表敬訪問しました “JICA Training - Party from Burkina Faso visited the President of SU”

JICA国別研修「ブルキナファソ研修団」が学長を表敬訪問しました “JICA Training - Party from Burkina Faso visited the President of SU”



15 trainees who were taking the JICA training course “Training for development of ability in the process of Burkina Faso fundamental education” paid a courtesy visit to the President of Saitama University on September 7th 2015.

While they were exchanging greetings, a representative of the party from Burkina Faso expressed their determination that they would make the best use of their experience in Japan for fields of education in their country.

This two week training was mainly implemented by Saitama University, Saitama Prefecture and Saitama City, and held at classrooms of 3 above-mentioned institutions including Saitama University as well as visiting a primary school attached to Saitama University, primary and junior high school in Gyoda city and Saitama City. They had also chance to visit Open University of Japan and several public cultural facilities in Saitama city. Action plan based on this training was presented by trainees on the final day.

学長表敬 / Courtesy visit to President

学長表敬 / Courtesy visit to President

研修団代表のDrame基礎総局長と山口学長 / Leader of the Group and President Yamaguchi

研修団代表のDrame基礎総局長と山口学長 / Leader of the Group and President Yamaguchi

本部棟前で / After courtesy visit

本部棟前で / After courtesy visit
