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  • 駐日バングラデシュ大使が来訪されました “Ambassador of Bangladesh to Japan Visits Saitama University”

駐日バングラデシュ大使が来訪されました “Ambassador of Bangladesh to Japan Visits Saitama University”


7月21日(火)、駐日バングラデシュ人民共和国大使マスード?ビン?モメン閣下(His Excellency Mr. Masud Bin Momen)が、山口学長、中林副学長を表敬訪問されました。
バングラデシュのGDPは、ここ30年で30倍、人口は2倍以上と著しく変化し、今まさに成長中の国であり、独立50周年を迎える2021年には、Middle Income Country(中所得国)になることが現在の目標であると述べられました。また、バングラデシュにおける女性の社会進出は様々な分野において進んでおり、産後6ヶ月で仕事に復帰する女性がほとんどで、男女平等が徹底されているそうです。女性の社会進出促進のためにも「教育」は最重要課題であり、受けた教育を如何に社会に還元していくかが鍵となっているとのことでした。

His Excellency the Ambassador of Bangladesh to Japan Mr. Masud Bin Momen visited Saitama University on Tuesday, July 21st 2015, and he paid a courtesy call to Dr. Hiroki Yamaguchi, President of Saitama University and Dr. Seiichiro Nakabayashi, Director-General of the Office of International Affairs.

After his welcome greetings, Mr.Ambassador extended his gratitude for accepting of 34 international students from Bangladesh at Saitama University.
Then he gave us a lecture, ‘Bangladesh―A Land of Potentials’. He described the recent development that is happening in Bangladesh, with the profound relation between Japan and his country economically, culturally, and politically. Also he explained that Bangladesh is growing up day by day, and GDP gains 30 times and the population gets double within this thirty years. It is also stated that his goal is to become Middle Income Country in 2021, 50th anniversary for independence.

The more women are encouraged to go out into the world and become important members of the society in various fields, and they will return to work within six months after giving birth. The equality of the genders has been thoroughly established in the country, according to him.

So “Education” is the most important issue for women’s social promotion, and the key is how women are contributing to the society after their education.

山口学長とマスード?ビン?モメン閣下 President Yamaguchi and Ambassador of Bangladesh to Japan H.E. Mr. Masud Bin Momen

President Yamaguchi and Ambassador of Bangladesh to Japan H.E. Mr. Masud Bin Momen

留学生会代表者からの記念品贈呈 Presentation of souvenirs by Foreign student society representative

Presentation of souvenirs by Foreign student society representative

セミナーを終えて After the Seminar

After the Seminar
