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  • 埼玉大学学生教職員の皆さん MERS(中東呼吸器症候群)についての対応 “About MERS(Middle East respiratory syndrome)”

埼玉大学学生教職員の皆さん MERS(中東呼吸器症候群)についての対応 “About MERS(Middle East respiratory syndrome)”



1. 渡航先の発生状況を確認した上で渡航してください。渡航先では、なるべく体調不良者と接触しない、動物との接触
2. 帰国、入国する際には、検疫所の指示に従ってください。
3. 感染の認められた地域にいて、日本に帰国、入国した場合は、入国後2週間は体温を一日に2回以上測り、
4. 上記の人が発熱など風邪症状を呈した場合は、外出を控え、管轄の保健所に電話連絡をして、指示に従ってくださ
5. 病院に収容されるまでは、なるべく人との接触を避け、電話で連絡を取ってください。大学保健センターへの

6. 感染を疑われた人と近い距離(飛沫が飛んでくる距離)での接触があった人も感染が疑われる人に準じてください。

平成27年6月29日 埼玉大学保健センター

注1 : さいたま市の管轄保健所は、さいたま市保健所(048-840-2205)です。
注2 : MERS感染の発生している国、地域については、外務省海外安全ホームページで最新の情報を入手してくださ
注3 : 下記ホームページも参考にしてください。
厚生労働省 : http://www.mhlw.go.jp/
国立感染症研究所感染症情報センター : http://www.nih.go.jp/niid/ja/
WHO : http://www.who.int/en/
CDC : http://www.cdc.gov/

MERS is a coronavirus infectious disease, which has a high mortality rate. Currently this virus has spread from the Middle East to many parts of the world.
The current incubation period before the first symptoms appear is two to fourteen days.
The main symptoms are similar to those of pneumonia (high fever, coughs, difficult breathing, etc).
However, at the initial stage symptoms might be similar to a cold (fever, a runny nose, diarrhea and etc).
MERS is thought to spread from an infected person’s (and animal’s) respiratory droplets.

Below are some important matters to be aware of.

1. If travelling abroad, please check for MERS information in your destination, and avoid the physical contact with the
sick and animals, and avoid crowded places with bad ventilation.
2. Obey the instructions of the quarantine station at the entry to Japan.
3. Check your temperature twice a day for two weeks after entry to Japan and refrain from nonessential outdoor
activities if you have been in a region with MERS outbreaks before entering Japan.
4. Contact the jurisdictional health care center, obey the instructions and stay home if you experience any cold-like
symptoms after entry to Japan from a region with MERS outbreaks. In the case of those who have possibly been
infected with MERS, they will be accommodated in a special hospital with an intensive care unit. PLEASE DO NOT
seek a medical examination at a local hospital or regular doctor of your choice.
(Because there is a possibility of
causing in-hospital infection of MERS.) The potential patients might be transferred to the special hospital by an
exclusive vehicle.
5. Avoid physical contact with people until you arrive at the special hospital. If you want to contact us , use
telephone (Health Service Center) at 048-854-5356.
6. The same actions above must be applied to those who have been in proximity to infected person’s respiratory

June 29, 2015
Health Service Center, Saitama University

※1  The Jurisdictional health care center in Saitama City is Saitama City Public Health Center
※2  Check the Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Overseas Safety HP ( http://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp )
and get the updated information.
※3  Also refer to the Website below.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare : http://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/
National Institute of Infectious Diseases : http://www.nih.go.jp/niid/en/
WHO : http://www.who.int/en/
CDC : http://www.cdc.gov/
